UK-German youth seminar ‘Seas and Oceans’ - Hamburg: 20 - 22 October 2017
How can your pupils help protect our seas and oceans for the future?
UK-German Connection und the British Council in Germany are bringing young people together to discuss current challenges and issues around the future of our environment, seas and oceans. The seminar is for students aged 16 to 19 (younger pupils aged 14 or 15 can also apply if accompanied by an older pupil from the same school).
Activities will include an excursion to the mudflats and expert-led workshops on:
- Ocean litter – why it matters
- Rising sea levels – challenges facing us and our world
- Biodiversity / ocean literacy – looking at the impact on our lives and wildlife
Together the young people will explore how these issues impact us, our communities and our future.
Seminar fee is £25. All other seminar-related costs covered or reimbursed.
A max. number of 3 pupils from one school can apply to take part. If 2 or more are attending, the pupils should be from different year groups and/or subject areas.