Left: John Hejduk, Housing, Berlin, 1988 - right: Peter Zumthor, Therme Vals, Schweiz, 2006 ©

Hélène Binet

Wednesday 03 June 2015 - 00:00 to Monday 26 October 2015 - 00:00
Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin

An exhibition of Accademia di architettura Università della Svizzera italiana

For over 25 years now, the photographer Hélène Binet has been at work around the world, using her camera to capture the architectural work of internationally known architects, such as John Hejduk, Ludwig Leo, Le Corbusier, Peter Zumthor and Zaha Hadid. Her predominantly black-and-white photographs are characterised particularly through the precise effects of light and shadow within the architectural space.

Binet shows structures and material, forms and geometries in such a way that something entirely independent emerges, something that goes far beyond a pure reproduction of the buildings. In the exhibition she juxtaposes shots of different buildings by famous architects or contrasts them with landscape photographs. These dialogues emphasise what is specific to the given architecture and simultaneously open up multi-layered associative possibilities for their viewers. 

Supported by/partners: British Council, Migros-Kulturprozent, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Wall AG

Opening times

Wednesday – Monday: 10 a.m.–5 p.m.; closed Tuesdays

Admission prices

  • Adults: Wed., Thu., Fri. € 7.00 / Sat., Sun., Mon. € 8.00
  • Concessions: Wed., Thu., Fri. € 4.00 / Sat., Sun., Mon. € 5.00
  • Admission free for members of Bauhaus-Archiv (Registered Society), children under 14