
Mat Wright

Convince us with the three Cs: "Content, Clarity und Charisma"

In an international world, a sound knowledge and use of English is vital for a successful career, especially in science and research. This is why we teamed up with MINT-EC in 2015 to create the new School Slam programme, which offers students the opportunity to engage with STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in English. 

We are looking for new and creative ways to present STEM topics in an entertaining way and are calling all students at MINT-EC schools to create a short video and explain an exciting STEM-topic topic to us in groups of three to five. 

Take a look at the winners from 2017/2018, Sacharja Thairo Wellmer and Christoph Thale, from Gymnasium Marianum and get inspired to create your own video!

Who can participate?

Students in year 10 – 13 from all schools of the MINT-EC network in Germany 

How does it work?

  1. Get together in a group of 3-5 students
  2. Choose any STEM subject you find interesting and inspiring. Your teachers will be able to help you find a suitable topic and will surely support you in preparing the presentation as well.
  3. Present your topic in an exciting and entertaining way in a 3-minute video in English. Make use of your creativity! You can show us an experiment, a short "theatre play" or poem or even sing your presentation but please don't use Microsoft PowerPoint or written texts.
  4. Film your presentation with a camera or your mobile phone and send it us in one of the following formats: P4, WMV, MPEG(MPG) or FLV. Your video shouldn't be bigger than 60MB.
  5. All videos will be judged by a British Council jury on Content, Clarity and Charisma.

What are the prizes?

The three winning groups will present their video, together with their teacher, at the yearly MINT 400 – the capital forum by MINT EC, where the audience will decide who wins the School Slam.


  1. prize: € 500 and a communication and presentation training in English by a young scientist, which the British Council will organise in your school
  2. prize: € 300 and a communication and presentation training in English by a young scientist, which the British Council will organise in your school
  3. prize: € 100 and a communication and presentation training in English by a young scientist, which the British Council will organise in your school


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