Insider Tips from Michael Büker (regional winner Hamburg, Germany final Bielefeld 2013 plus winner audience award 2014)

Why did you join FameLab? And how did you overcome the stage fright?

I knew I wanted to be on a stage and talk about science. But I wasn’t sure where and how that would work. With the help of a simple online search I found FameLab. Everyone was incredibly friendly and enthusiastic. I recommend rehearsing the lecture thoroughly which cured my stage fright. But above all it turned out: once I was on stage, it just went smoothly!

What was the best thing about FameLab – scientifically as well as personally?

The confirmation that I can have both joy and success on stage. This motivated me to pursue science communication as a profession.

Has joining FameLab given your career a new twist? Has anything else changed since then?

FameLab was absolutely vital for my self-confidence in pursuing my career path. The friendships and valuable contacts I have gained still help me today.

What are your top 3 tips for people thinking about joining FameLab?

Tip 1: Tell what moves you: be it surprise, joy, frustration – what moves you also makes a great story.

Tip 2: Don't be afraid of the stage – the audience and the other FameLabbers are on your side!

Tip 3: Look forward to the great people you will meet and make use the contacts.

Thank you, Michael! 

What are you waiting for? Apply now for FameLab 2020 in a city near you!