A teacher sitting in the middle of two children reading a book
Saturday 03 October 2020 -
10:00 to 21:00

The 2020 World Teachers' Day web conference on Saturday 3 October 2020 is organised by British Council TeachingEnglish in collaboration with our UK partner IATEFL. 

The theme for this year's World Teachers' Day is appropriately titled 'Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future'.

Our web conference will provide you with ideas, support and a space to engage with colleagues from across the globe.

Join us for a series of online talks, workshops and panel discussions. Each session will focus on different elements of this year's theme, including how we move forward with teaching in challenging contexts, future Englishes, teacher stories from around the world, teacher wellbeing, and discussions on how we ensure that we continue to take an inclusive approach to learning for all students.