A picture of a big conference hall with many visitors facing one speaker
Thursday 30 July 2020 -
17:00 to 18:30

This year's London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) had to be postponed – so now is the perfect opportunity to launch a special LIYSF webinar. These bite-size one-hour sessions are designed to get a flavour of LIYSF and access to our speakers. 

Whether you are new to LIYSF, a student considering to attend, teacher, science organisation or an alumni, there is something for everyone. 

Richard Myhill, the Director of LIYSF, will present the exciting programme for the 62nd LIYSF which will take place in July 2021, with updates on our world-renowned speakers from a wide range of science and engineering fields and how you can apply.

There will be a live lecture from LIYSF President, Clare Elwell, award-winning Professor of Medical Physics at UCL. Her lecture will show how a team of engineers and clinicians teamed up with Mercedes Formula1 to rapidly develop a novel breathing aid to help to save Covid-19 patients.

Finally, you can hear from LIYSF alumni who will talk about their experiences at the forum, what they learnt and how LIYSF has helped them in their careers in science. The Webinar will also include a Q&A session where you can engage directly with the panellists.

Places are limited, register today at: https://bit.ly/liysfvirtual