Assembly Painting © Ian McKeeve ©

Assembly Painting © Ian McKeeve

Saturday 10 May 2014 - 00:00 to Sunday 24 August 2014 - 00:00
Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven

The Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven and Cornwall’s Newlyn Art Gallery present a joint exhibition Structures/Strukturen featuring 35 key works by eight German and British artists. While they have already gained recognition in their field, the artists have never exhibited collectively and are still not sufficiently widely known in their respective counterpart countries. At the centre of all the works by Ian McKeever, Mark Francis, Andrew Bick, Tim Allen as well as Ivo Ringe, Miro Zahra, Michael Jäger and Günther Förg is the equal interaction of colour, form and structure. This is a familiar modernist theme, which many artists are now rediscovering, and adding new interpretations. The cross-national dialogue will accentuate a major aspect of this style of painting – “structures”. This visual principle, long since lacking orientation along rectangular, two-dimensional image elements, instead champions multiplanar dimensions.

A bilingual booklet accompanies the exhibition. A lively events programme will also attract various cultural partners, like the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft (Oldenburg), to Wilhelmshaven.

Exhibition opening hours

Tuesday: 14:00 - 20:00

Wednesday until Sunday: 11:00 - 17:00


Single:  3,00 Euro

Reduced: 2,00 Euro