Interfilm Festival
Interfilm Festival ©

crck Berlin

Monday 10 November 2014 - 00:00 to Friday 14 November 2014 - 00:00
Grüner Salon | Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz 2 | 10718 Berlin

Image: © crck Berlin

Encounter – Exchange - Discuss

The 30th Short Film Festival interfilm Berlin aims to inspire festival guests to exchange their ideas, knowledge and experience. With a highly diverse fringe programme of masterclasses, workshops, film talks, panels, the Script Pitch competition, interForum serves as a platform for generating interaction, dialogue, confrontations and discussions.

 Most events will be held in English.

12 November 2014: Workshop - The Cutting Edge

15:00 – 17:00, Grüner Salon

In this forum we will review works in progress from the point of view of the editor. We will ask questions about the director’s intentions, the structure, narrative, rhythm and aesthetics of the film itself.

Tutor: Shai Rodogovsky (Filmschnitt beim BBC, Großbritannien/ Editor at the BBC, Great Britain)

14 November 2014: Meet The Expert - David Sproxton, Aardman Co-Founder

11:00, Grüner Salon

Meet David Sproxton, co-founder of the Aardman Animation Studio, the British production company responsible for creating such notable work as Creature Comforts, Angry Kid and Wallace and Gromit. Take advantage of this rare opportunity to peek behind the scenes of this world-renowned company in a public Q&A.

Moderation: Emily Smith, (Designerin,Kuratorin, USA / Designer, curator, USA)

14 November 2014: International Script Pitch

14:00, Grüner Salon

The final nominees of the Best Script Pitch award will have 5 minutes to pitch their script and persuade the jury to choose their idea. After the event, interfilm invites participants and the audience to linger for a drink or two.

 Locations and information


  • Babylon Kino Mitte | Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 30 | 10178 Berlin
  • Volksbühne Berlin | Linienstraße 227 | 10178 Berlin
  • Roter Salon at the Volksbühne | Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz 1 | 10718 Berlin
  • Grüner Salon | Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz 2 | 10718 Berlin

All events, except meetings, are open to the general public; you do not need an accreditation to attend. All events are free of charge, except masterclasses and workshops.


Tickets for masterclasses and workshops: € 10/ € 7 (concession). The 5 ticket pass and festival pass are also valid for these events.

Sponsor: 25p *Media Group, Pinguindruck Berlin, British Council