VW Beetle from 1952
VW Beetle, so-called 'Brezel-Käfer' model, 1952 ©

Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin/ Foto: Sammlungsdokumentation

Sunday 23 October 2016 to Wednesday 30 November 2016

Competition for language assistants in the UK and Germany

The exhibition

The exhibition “Der britische Blick: Deutschland – Erinnerung einer Nation” looks at memories of Germany, its culture and its identity from a British perspective. Currently in Berlin, the exhibition serves to encourage dialogue about Germany, its history and how it is remembered.

The competition

Who is it for?

  • English language assistants (ELAs) at a school in Germany
  • German language assistants (MLAs) at a school in the UK
  • MLA-ELA Ambassador pairs 

What is it about?

Run by UK-German Connection, Martin Gropius Bau and British Council Germany, this competition offers language assistants the opportunity to design a joint project for British and German pupils and win a trip to the exhibition in Berlin.

How to enter

Language assistants submit an idea for a joint project on a theme surrounding the exhibition between their pupils and those at a partner school. Projects must:

  • be bilateral (UK-German)
  • involve joint work, discussion and reflection on wider themes surrounding the exhibition, for example: a virtual exhibition of objects from both countries chosen by the pupils, a debate on history vs. memories in the UK and Germany, joint artwork on perceptions of each other’s identity

Proposals should be sent by email as a Word document and:

  • include details on themes and planned activities, as well pupil age-groups and numbers
  • include a confirmation of support from the school or Head teacher
  • be submitted by 30 November 2016 to: organisation@gropiusbau.de

The assistant(s), whose project is chosen will be awarded funding for a visit to the exhibition in Berlin from 6 - 8 January 2017 with a group of up to 10 pupils.

Further details

Funding for the visit will be provided by Visit Berlin, Friede Springer Stiftung and UK-German Connection. A small contribution from the participating schools may be required to cover the costs of domestic travel to the airport. Further details will be provided following selection. For any questions regarding the above, please contact: info@ukgermanconnection.org