FameLab Final winners 2018
Our German contestant, Dr. Veli Vural Uslu, came in second at this year's FameLab International final - a great achievement! ©

British Council

Wednesday 18 March 2020 -
19:00 to 22:00

FameLab is the world’s leading science communication competition. Participants have just three minutes to win over the judges and crowd with a scientific talk that excels for its content, clarity and charisma. FameLab is an international competition to find and support the world's most talented new science communicators. 

Every year, we see some of the most impressive young researchers on the FameLab regional heat stages across Germany. The two best partipants of every regional heat go on to the national final in Bielefeld taking place 23 April 2020 to compete for the chance to represent Germany at the FameLab International final at the Cheltenham Science Festival in the UK 02 – 06 June 2020.

Join us for the regional heat in Karlsruhe! Admission is free. 

Check out previous FameLab talks on our YouTube channel