David Mitchell, inventor of Cloud Atlas

Leo Van der Noort

Wednesday 16 March 2016 -
19:30 to 21:00
Literaturhaus Frankfurt

David Mitchell reading from The Bone Clocks

The Bone Clocks follows the turns of Holly Sykes’s life, starting with her miserable childhood at the lower course of the Thames River and leading to old age at the shore of the Irish Atlantic. Living a rather ordinary life, which at the same time is threatened by forebodings, visits from people materializing out of the naught, time holes, and other interruptions of reality. Holly is the ignorant initiator of a murderous feud that takes place in the shadows and dark corners of our world…

The German translations of Mitchell’s novels are published by the German publishing house Rowohlt Verlag. The radio journalist Alf Mentzer of the Hessian radio station hr2-kultur will be talking with the international acclaimed novelist about metaphysics, moral and literary kaleidoscopes, in German and English. The parts of the German translation will be read by Katharina Bach, cast member of the Frankfurt theatre.


  • Venue: Literaturhaus Frankfurt, Schöne Aussicht 2, 60311 Frankfurt am Main 
  • Date: 16 March 2016 at 7:30pm
  • Tickets: €9 (reduced fee €6)