Poet Steven Fowler

Steven Fowler © Alexander Kell

Sunday 21 June 2015 -
13:00 to 23:59
Academy of Arts, Berlin

Colloquium: The Future of Poetry at 16th poesiefestival Berlin

With LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs (poet, USA), Ricardo Domeneck (poet, Brazil & Germany), Steven J. Fowler (poet, UK), Kenneth Goldsmith (writer, USA), Léonce W. Lupette (poet, Argentina &  Germany), Tristan Marquardt (poet, Germany), Cia Rinne (poet, Sweden  &  Germany), Peer Trilcke (literary scholar, Germany)

Moderation: Thomas Böhm (literature disseminator, Germany)    

In a dialogue between practice and theory, this year’s Colloquium will be asking in what directions poetry might develop in future. Approaches that have already been put into practice will be thought through to their logical conclusions, and new concepts will be sketched out – poetry for digital media, polylingual poetry and collective writing projects. The Colloquium will seek to provide a timely and fundamental explanation of how the production and reception of poetry can be conceived internationally in future. How will the audience, the poetry and the (self-) image of the poet change in these new contexts?

Steven J. Fowler

Steven J. Fowler, 1983 in Truro, Cornwall, geboren, studierte an der University of Durham und der University of London. Er veröffentlichte sechs Gedichtbände und zahlreiche weitere Werke, u. a. Bücher in Schachteln, chapbooks und Gedichtposter. Er schreibt u. a. Kaligramme, konkrete Poesie und Lautdichtung, arbeitet mit bildender Kunst, Installation und Performance und initiiert international kollektive Schreibprojekte. Seine Gedichte wurden in 13 Sprachen übersetzt und an diversen Orten aufgeführt, von Mexiko bis zum Irak. Fowler lebt in London.

Poesiefestival Berlin

The poesiefestival berlin has been taking place every year since 2000. Since 2008 its cooperation partner and main hub has been the Academy of the Arts in Berlin. It is supported by the Capital Culture Fund (Hauptstadtkulturfonds).

Interpreting will be available for the event.

Entrance fee: EUR 8,00 (EUR 5,00 reduced fee)