BBC World Questions in Berlin
Monday 02 May 2016 -
10:45 to 13:45
Berlin, Zeughauskino, Deutsches Historisches Museum

BBC World Questions comes to Berlin

As Europe faces some of the greatest crises of modern time, Germany’s leadership in the Europe Union has been put under pressure. 

In this Berlin edition of World Questions the BBC’s Jonathan Dimbleby invites members of the public to put questions about Germany and Europe to a panel of politicians and thinkers, including Aydan Özoguz, Cabinet Member and Federal Commissioner for Immigration, Refugees and Integration, the immigration researcher Professor Naika Foroutan, the contemporary historian Professor Gerhard Hirschfeld, Philipp Lengsfeld, MdB and member of the CDU and Christian Schmidt, Head of the ALFA Party in Berlin.

Simply join the audience or be part of the debate at 10:45 am on Monday 2nd May at the Zeughauskino, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin. Your question, which you can write and submit at the reception prior to the recording, may be one of 10 selected for the members of the panel to answer.

Can Germany’s policies succeed? Does Europe expect too much from Germany?  Tell the world what it means to be German and European in an international broadcast of BBC World Questions: Germany and Europe.

Register online

Register now for free to join the debate when the BBC World Questions comes to Berlin. 

BBC World Questions is an English language event, staged in partnership with the British Council and will be recorded for radio broadcast worldwide. If you would like to join the debate as part of the audience please fill in this form.

You can also follow the online debate through @deBritish on Twitter using the hashtag #BBCWQ.